Would it be that Xentrix is the Preston, Lancashire real British answer to the Metal fame resurrection closely to Metallica sounds ? Consisiting of quartet Chris Astley, Dennis Gasser, Kristian Havard and Paul MacKenzie know firstly a Sweet Vengeance playing covers before decided to change their name to Xentrix. From their second recording album with wiser title - For Whose Advantage ? this UK's next generation of NWOBHM legacy to the rising fast of brilliant Thrash Metal with brains finally erupts their flicks. Written lyrics mostly telling stories about politics, madness, corruption and sosiety problems; the Xentrix quartet really can build the awesome metallic sounds character for their own as you can consider them genius metalheads. Ten tracks out of this album shall blown your brains out for example The Human Condition, False Ideas, The Bitter End and New Beginnings - all talking seriously about how the globe has been rules by a dictatorship underlining their basic daily needs over the vast increasing technology and slowly let mankind enslaving themselves to the rise of machines. The wealthy men in suits, the giant corporations whose running the shows and every aspects under one order, one command but For Whose Advantage ?
As the this nightmare begins, the new days turns crimson ...
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