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Generation Express (RCA / BMG 1991)


   Probably, this is one the last of the Glam Metal men in a short-living career before the wiping out of Hair Metal throne by Alternative Rock and Grunge back in the late of ninety era; Kik Tracee that consisting of Stephen Shareaux (vocals), Michael Marquis (lead guitar), Gregory Hex (rhythm guitar), Rob Grad (bass) and Scott Donnell (drums) of Los Angeles, CA honestly, did sound amazing and hard enough for Hair Metal band confronting their music critics and leaving some of the Heavy Metal lovers displeased but also wanting more to hearing from them later on. Through their semi-Glamour cover of Mrs. Robinson and the releasing of their first and last album No Rules; the combination of Hard Rock and Hair Rock as no substitution for any late nineties music left at that time and didn't sucks should be this but most of the audiences wanting something more honest form of Rock Music and the answer lies on Alternative Rock or Grunge; leaving thus sleazy Hair Rock tracks like You´re So Strange, Trash City, Big Western Sky and Velvet Crush dying like an extinct animals. Glam Metal made by Kik Tracee shouldn't be seen as the legacy of an era but the next beginning of evolution later for the future demands cause this type of genre shall rising again after the boredom of simple things back to the sexy, druggy and rock n' rolly living just as unsacred as you being chating again after listening Sunday sermon at church.

He He He ...

No Rules:

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