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New Direction Things First (Revelation Records 1989)


   The royal highness off the New York City Hardcore local family branch and genre's community (and) the pioneers also the edge of the spears to lifting mny sub-cultures like Skater-punk, Krisna-core to Cross-Over harder music to seeding positively insane in a slow motion spreading but grown. Gorilla Biscuits is the ultimate fast-loud-rules quartet ever came out of NY; Anthony Civorelli (vocals), Walter Schreifels and Alex brown on guitars with bassist Arthur Smilios and drummer Luke Abbey recording the debut and final offer from this legendary US Hardcore group and then made Start Today - one of the most valuable, important and collectible for any Punk-Rockers, HC heads and even Skaters, nerdies, Indie-hackers or Pot-head kids to scumbags portraying themselves as the victim of fate and the raging hatred energy turn the negative to positive values brought back voluntarely by these Gorilla Biscuits crew to you. The first attempts of "on the way helps" already creating the channel for changes of point of views and social values among the young youth of this nation since the last failure of Rock's flower revolutions and surprised uncivilized right for having free sex and re-overpopulated the world in no time. Gorilla Biscuits comes to change that broken dreams and promises within their simple, aggressive and speeding Hardcore Skater Rock Music tempos that could giving your mom and dad real vertigo. Start Today is a great record with plenty tracks of positive advises of Punk-Rock into Stand Still, Good Intentions, Degradation, Two Sides, Competition, Sittin' Round At Home or Biscuit Power which also simplifies the face of Rock Music from complicated and hallucinates to the more reality solution for solving the life problems in daily living of every single young Americans borderless and anti-racist. This must be the voice that you have been waiting for protecting yourself from the danger offers the late eighties and early nineties yuppies lured anyone onto their corporation traps. 

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