A bit melancholy but exact answering for half-part of the artistic measurement exists after the effects of Karen O's Garage Rock or New Order's New Wave-Pop inlfuences crashing softly into one like the batter of sugar and cheese butter in a plastic bowl. These Ontario Electronic duo can playing their sweetest tracks like Fainting Spells, Doe Deer and Celestica but you will meet the other face of maniacal side of the group through Baptism for example - a mad mad emo-romantic-core dance craze or the more elegant Synth-Pop Punk on Year of Silence. Recording their second album on a remote cold church in Iceland; Crystal Castles (II) would have been a perfect effort ever made by the duo - mixer Ethan Kath (also production) and vocalist Alice Glass, the Canadian Noise Pop Electro group Crystal Castles. If you are the essential lover of these kind of music, you will definitely without hesitation shall grab this recording right away but if you're just a passer-by listeners trying to find a new perspective via Alternative choices of music, listening to this might took some times before you realized that this album is a very wise blind pick-up for this month where uncertainty tickles and winter comes too early as everything's confusing between how the Hip Hop beats collaborates again with Synth-Punk creating a cooler new form via experimental silly beats ...
Crystal Castles II:
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