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Revillusion Frequency (Maverick Records 2001)


   Three members are the former of the semi-famous Christian Rock band with an addition on lead vocals filled by Hugo Ferreira; seems to be like a re-issued version form for Matt Taul (drums), Jesse Vast (bass) and Todd Whitener (guitars, backing vocals) on the new stepforward walks to the next chapter of their Alternative Rock journey continues. Now, folding their polished characterized Modern Hard Rock sounds to performing the releasing of this Louiseville, KT debut of self-titled record - Tantric; the struck of luck finally coming onto them with the good news of their radio single Breakdown turns to hits in several parts in Midwest America with stronger fan base and joining Miller Beer's tour with famous other bands really felt like having the greatest sweet-dream and changing their fate in one night - Tantric sooner would paying their debts for coming up too fast - disappearing too quick curse. The good parts of the sefl-titled album is that the band's quartet really knows how to written down cool rock songs that straightly would making you feel very interesting with this Modern Rock works to rocking out loud with the tracks of I Don't Care, Paranoid, Astounded and All to Myself or Inside Your Head revealing regular daily stories happening under the shades of Southern Comfort and Mid-West rural area - among thus family values and thin red line of sinful salvations.


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