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Skin+Bones Ghosts (Self-Released 2011)


The broken-hearted for the broken record sounded not too damn bad not because it's catchy Alternative Rock music self-made but because it is true and honestly pure of Indie Folk Pop influences carrying your painful feelings and lifted them up then toss them away for this songs are medicine. The consisting members are Leighton Antelman, Matt Keller and Justin Camacho which there's also Mindy White or Craig Taylor establishing these Indie Pop Ambient group from Gilbert, Arizona - Lydia recorded and releasing their next steps efforts after the skipped hiatus before and now the comeback with Paint it Golden. Such a great melodramatic melodies and harmony vocals self-made by the group members through the love of Emotional Folk Rock, Classic-coustic and more interesting ideas based on the private stories of daily life and memories to be combined with the beautiful arrangements of music miraculously exclusive for the lonely hearts whose weeping on the corner of every Prom Nights everywhere; proving that you're too are damn well perfect not for this world but for the next one. The soundtrack so gorgeous and remarkably catchy in every aspects possible can in the making of total Pop recording which didn't sounded cheesy or silly. Paint It Gold rebirthing the best of itself by the comfortable tracklist possible to be forever loved and listening in favor through Dragging Your Feet In The Mud, Hailey, Best Nights and Seasons. 

Nothing but smooth romance dreams came true ...

Paint It Golden:

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