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Voice Within Sonbahar (Independent / Bandcamp 2011)


Dream Theater should be very relieved because their legacy surpassing to the right place onto various names within the excellent performance and sounds deliberates many parts of the world for spawning great bands as the preserverance for Progressive Rock genre and Timesailor of Ankara, Turkey is no exception. These five piece of mix gender rockers will giving you a lifetime experience for listening to their awesome blends of both Symphonic Metal and pure Progressive Rock at its highest level as the artistic coverage and boutiful talented skills shall be their armory for leading the way throughout the top hierarcy of Prog-Rock/Metal scene today. Bulutay Gunes and Damla Ozdemir (vocals), a semi-legendary performance of Yasemine Turkyilmaz (keyboards), Burak Kahraman (guitars) and Bahadir Arslan (drums) would be so proud for giving their expereince excitements to be shared to the global world not to dominates but spreading the spiritual wings to destiny of hope inside their awesome and accurate production for recording a creative masterpiece through the debut album Once Upon A Time. Re-creating the whole Prog-Rock mixing of both Classic and Traditional music into the thick mixing of Symphonic Metal as its boosting the inner self-confidence of the Heavy Metal power based on the subjective theme of fantasy, inner turmoil time and almost all imaginative aspects covered on this magical album. You shall experiencing the total harmony of vocals combination, excessive guitar skills and musical techniques, beautiful faces of Turkish delights and the semi-popular/underground scent from this one off the infamous brilliant track of Dreamwalker with the neat conceptual division to eight parts just like a parade of Metal World festivities on the edge of Bosphorus strait and it is still continues with some other great tracks to the end. One will no longer afraid for not having back heroes and heroine from the heart of Prog-Metal realm cause Timesailor is here to guard and to guide this.

Once Upon A Time:

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