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Betray The Mission One (Massacre Records 2006)


The Elverum, Norwegian beauty's of Symphonic Gothic Metal five-piece outfit that gracefully sounded like the collaboration between mysterious, natural, love, loss and despair death on their most beautiful forms by romantic perspective and small amount of Poprock ballads culture touch. The amazing album Forever Will Be Gone must be Mortal Love's third final recording which granted a semi-legendary onto their existence even right before the situation of the group's on hold condition later. The concluding of majestic performance and professional song-writings eith powerful musical arrangements shall becoming a reality to exclusively satisfying audible listeners toward this mighty album from them. Couragous and mesmerizing tracks of lethal slow melodious ballads and standard Goth-Rock assembly onto Of Keeping The Fire Down, I Make The Mistake, While Everything Dies and In The End Decides; would be tremendous favorites for most of Mortal Love's audiences that the intented clarity of the depth meanings of the lyrics truly inspiring and could taken you higher and lost inside the misty labyrinth of echoing harmony and celibate lively sounds made by a beauty talented vocalist Cat, the bass player Lev, Damous (drums), Rain6 (guitars, programming, vocals) and Mulciber (keyboards, programming). The releasing bountiful breatheren illusion of broken love and fate penetrating the deepest feelings of a lover betrayed by the love one to whispering the revenge song in To Choke You Now, leaving only memories in discredits and ashes of sweet pain in burial as a version of Ville Valo's sister romantic Goth band.


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