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Machine Messiah Runaround (Mellow Records 2012)


   The All-Italian Progressive scene proudly presenting their couragous masterpiece of salutation to one of the best Classic Progressive Rock pioneers of all-time Yes with this powerful artistic recording V.A Tales From The Edge: A Tribute To The Music Of Yes - in double discs; that infinitely a must be listed for listening choice to you as a loyalist Prog-Rock lovers and Yes-heads fanatic fans made straight from the Spaghetti's land with awesome cover art and the tracklists as well. Twenty six bands which mostly you might didn't know exists and never heard before such as Aquael, The Opium Cartel, Vanilla Project or soloist like Stefano Vicarelli and Jay Tausig must be a great challenge for any the magician virtue Jon Anderson and co. fanatic fans to realizing that this tribute cover mega album does exists in this world today. Tales from the edge is a tribute to Yes music must sounded peaceful, formal, fantastic and very Progressive that shall giving you a terrible heart-failure the moment you pressing play button to start it on your stereo system. The excitements wrapped inside thus awesome cover versions of Yes' timeless classic hits and magnificent works carried in best effort performance by the newer artists like Starship Trooper (The Samurai of Prog), Siberian Kathru (Yessong), Don't Kill a Whale (Aurora Lunare) to Greenwald's Onward, Yesterdays on White Car or Luca Scherani doing his best off Holy Lamb to Shock to The System from Subterra. The fantasy of collaboration in combinations coming true through this double discs album really could be a very mesmerizing event that ever happened again connecting to the legendary Prog-rock band Yes nowadays. The useful project which can also giving us the media for learning more about how Progressive Rock Music developed in its up and downs for decades as it influencing the whole world of general music like it or not in such a trembling way possible like the sweeter infection being consumes by lovers for curing their misery that's how Yes music and story really meant to us as well as this good news keep continuing from first disc to the next one.
   A perfect hiatus moment for reflecting your true aims in live and pause the obstacle off for quite sometime.

Tales From The Edge:

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