Tim Burton is back with the whole starring casts from the first Alice movie including Johnny Depp, Anne Hathaway, Helena Bonham Carter to Mia Wasikowska and more literature characters from the Wonderland story-teller written by Lewis Carroll; this time on another next adventure of Alice Kingsleigh on Alice Through The Looking Glass. The new journey back to Underland for (now) a cargo-ship Captain Alice to saving her beloved best friend Mad Hatter from a strange disease that likely would kill him very soon. The way back to the dreamy place Underland to meet all of her friends there also some characters like Time lord played by Sasha Baron Cohen to the evil Red Queen herself probably not the most problem that Alice would facing there, it is the misused of Chronosphere to turning back time that actually taken Alice back to the past for saving Mad Hatter's family turned to a great fiasco and shall destroying the present days and the future as well in the process of rusting periods devastating everything inside Wonderland. The music scoring soundtrack arranged and mixed by Danny Elfman on this movie probably is a comeback of the old Danny as the popular producer for any darkest movie and imaginative ideas from Tim Burton since long time ago and on this one still charging your interests to go on following the journey story with Alice and friends trying to solve the problem by saving Hatter's family without destroying the time itself as well as fixing the mistakes in the past made by some in order to restores the present days existence in such a better way.
These well-mannered instrumental orchestra really shall capturing the various imaginative images or characters or the plot for the movie as a perfect soundtrack which carrying mostly all the feelings shown on the adventurous story of Alice Through The Looking Glass. From the legendary intro of Alice to the opneing sub-titles like Saving the Ship, Watching Time or To The Rescue continues onto the middle of the problems to be solved in Tea Time Forever, Asylum Escape, Hatter's Deathbed to Finding The Family as the peak of the story becomes intense for World's End or Time is up to the conclusions which certainly shall making you asking questions in a stomping heartbeats for the final answer through Story of Time and the closing track singing very gently by Pink - Just Like Fire. The final chapter shall be revealed as there will be a happy ending for everyone or a disasterous doomsday occures on this comeback sequel of Alice in Wonderland ...
Thank You - Tim Burton and Danny Elfman !
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