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Potret Ikrar (Harpa Records 1992)


   Writing only the factual truth lyrics like Folk poetry which sounded too genius on his fenomenal nineties album entitled in Bahasa Indonesia - Belum Ada Judul (as meant as No Title); the words are controversial and would giving the mostly conservative and corrupted government people having bad-aches listening to Iwan Fals' social protest songs like he used to did since the beginning of his music career as a street performer on the common public transportations or bus-stops. The infamous tracks compilation of this recording album should be considered as one of his best performance which recorded live without editing entirely and the results are so Folkish fantastic and beautiful to listen to. The depth of his lyrics on these eleven tracks dedicated for misfortunated poor people living in the outskirt of urban area or rural under the grips of poverty but still in full spiritual strength spirits to go on and facing another days like tomorrow as they're living today like tomorrow never comes. The daily perspectives and common words understood easily by most of Indonesian listeners must be the plus credtis for this guy born in Jakarta as Virgiawan Listanto but then later on known as one of countrymen Folk singer legends until today. There's a time when Iwan Fals really fight for everyone and his lyrics just like his idol - Bob Dylan used to did as well; his lyrics turning to razor and the protests turning to sledgehammer smashing the injustice and hypocrisy on national levels throughout Indonesia, a real freedom hero whom rising from the middle of uncertain poverty whirlpool with the acoustic guitar and harmonica and his distinctive respectful voice of changes trying to correct what is wrong and make the ship called The Republic of Indonesia back on its right course again within thus songs of encouraging, spiritual, collective, romantism and trancending on bahasa lyrics like Besar dan Kecil, Panggilan Dari Gunung, Di Mata Air Tidak Ada Air Mata, Iya atau Tidak and Coretan Dinding.
   The temptation of fame and fortune didn't tamed this person, the artist to be one of the biggest musicians from Nusantara whose never afraid to mingled among thieves, hookers or beggars - crying for no tomorrow under thus mercury streetlights of the greedy big cities feeding on our less and lesser humanity.

If there's a perfect time for Iwan Fals, that time must be on this brilliant album !


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