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Hebenon Vial Trachea (Sad Eyes 2000)


The moth resemblance of a symbolic for the creature that keeps the souls of the dead on their right path after crossing the otherside and this maybe seems relevant to be attached on Cinema Strange's self-titled album cover. This unique yet you can also calling them bizarre to the bone Goth Rock of California based trio and additional musicians among them; creating their own derelict and deranged realm filled with sorrow clinging, foggy atmosphere, pale skinned lyrics and deliberation from the happy thoughts and smiling Pop culture far away from their borderline. The sickening and Punkish attitude served cold as well as the music and sounding rituals from these three pillars of deminishing reality under the names of Lucas Lanthier, Daniel Ribiat and Michael Ribiat after the fallen ex-members out from the band maybe cause they've found sanity or just needing to extra-peculiarly make another and more bizarre group. Cinema Strange doing its celibate lives with depressional Goth desperation but practicing also bisexual loves with New Wave dance, Dark Cabaret and Synth-Rock as included more and more theaterical, film and drama musical onto their small delusional world like this one. Cinema Strange offering you to lick the sweet poisonous Goth-love sounds from everything acceptable over this standard tempo of wintery weather reports captured on thus lower expressional type of Goth Music rocks on Aboriginal Anemia, Laughing Bloody Murder, Sadist Sagittarius and En Hiver but let the female choir keeps on preaching for darkness' sweet temptations and arousing you and the rest of the audiences to sleepwalking or going suicidal after leaving last number to re-dial.

Cinema Strange:

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