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Hopin' For A Ride (External Records 1994)


   The fast and energetic Noise-Rock trio fighter for independent music from San Fransisco - The Meices having actually a long term stories to tell and shared to you all if you calling yourself a true Alternative Rock fans and within the shorter period of dependently de-functed group soon after releasing several rocking weird albums by far off the group's career; you will find that something interesting had been brought by these creative trio before. Their true combination of the simple mixed of both Punk Rock's three chords raving sounds and the nihilist views over what seems to be unfixed due to the grown up and too fast technology deforming the sociaety and the music media these days really influenced them to writing more and more boring songs in order not just to laughing at the national pathetic interests among the US citizens but also in a little bit whining with half amount of anger filling up the younger souls tried to giving you lessons for not obeying the system always like an idiotic numb. Joe Reineke, Marc Turner and Steve Borgerding might sounded simple, uneducated and really pissed with the using of more screams and boredom captured inside their numbers in shorter songs for this album - Tastes Like Chicken; both skills, sharpening lyrics or developed of sounds which getting a bit Poppier must not leaving your attention for the bigger issues carried by the self-written lyrics on tracks like Daddy's Gone To California (a theme about broken home), Until The Weekend, Lettuce Is Far Out which a little bit like a questioning the purpose of stop consuming more meat or vegan campaign to the The Big Shitburger that dragging interest for boycott the giant corporations or the elegant "Heavy Metal" tinged riffs on Light 'Em Up; shall reminding us again about the less personeel of The Ramones in the nineties would sounded then alike. Through the feedback and simplicity, The Meices looks really particular and sweet from the outside but deep down under the melodies and Jangling Pop attractions lies the truth about how stupid most of us had become - being just a blind consumer whose slowly and easily slicing our own lives for being slaves from those things that had turning you and me a self-cannibal products to be consumed back by society.

Funny ...


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