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Inverted Cross Command (Iron Bonehead Productions 2016)

"Wake The Dead, Reply To The Call 
They Need Your Soul With Metal And Rock And Roll
Unholy Creatures Obsessed By The Light
Demonic Eyes, Hunting For Christ ..." soon after the sensual ritualistic of female sisterhood invocation is part of the lyrics off Baphomet's Blood almighty blashemous track in Speed Metal tempos descending onto you to conquer and stamping the sign on your forehead as a membership registered Satanic Cult followers while starting to play this San Benedetto del Tronto, Ascoli's Extreme Metal troops album - In Satan We Trust. Combining the great energy of destructive beats and fast riffs to the total demonic themes that will reminding you alot about how Motorhead and Venom having their same similarity on sharing a stage together would definitely sounded crushing harder like this band. The insane Thrash Metal direct blasts performing by the quartet with extremely names which never easy to read like Necrovomitterror or Angel Trosomaranus; might describing about how crazy these Italian Speed-Thrashers quartet definitely sounded like. The recording contains mostly its deranged and dangerous theme about alcohol, anti-christianity to Metal music in general and Satan the almighty that you will definitely purchasing your money to buy this album because you must and if you denying this you shall infinitely being cursed and rotten in deepest pit of fire and your relatives and kin will also facing eternal damnation in the future. The forbidden tracks that kills all being freely relevant to be burst out from your amplifier and sound-system like a firebomb explosion which burns everything up. Go fucking listen to the Satanic proof of power and creation over the lies of human-made words and holy shit bible on Triple Six, Underground Demons, Infernal Overdrive or Whiskey Rocker. Now we know that Lemmy's legacy still lives in thus hearts consumed by maggots of the Baphomet's Blood band members.  


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