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Rita Bakesale (Studio E Records 2004)

   The native Zion, Illinois Alternative/Grunge which formed at first by three friends from High School – vocalist Scott Lucas, bassist Matt Garcia and Joe Daniels (drums) combining their likes of much Punk Rock with Post Grunge with then later; the remaining duet as the next step for the group Local H as it was naming after the song-titles off R.E.M. Scott Lucas on guitar, lead vocals, bass guitar, xylophone, percussion, synthesizer and organ with his compatriot Joe Daniels on drums, backing vocals, whistling, live bass and guitars with Ryan Harding doing backing vocals, live guitars and drums as well. Even though this is an American band but their luck got better when their track being famous in Australia along with good critics toward the group’s artist inspired ideas mad to album on Whatever Happened to P.J. Soles ? really put an interesting simple things to attract more listeners. Not just younger people would start to asking about Ms. Soles but also the front cover girl might also promoting her stripes socks which later on slowly becoming trendy again among beautiful sexy girls in fashioned. The helping musicians such as Zak Schneider (mellotron), Eric Oblander (harp) or Brian St. Clair (drums) lending the focused hard-working Local H to capturing their essential sounds like a deadly combination of Garage Rock and total distorting guitar band from Seattle.
   California Songs, Dick Jones, Money on the Dresser and Buffalo Trace can be with no doubt the repertoir of our next forms of Modern Rock insanity of harmonies. 

Whatever Happened To P.J. Soles:

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