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Sad Dress Angel (4AD Records 1993)


   One of the most regardless new voice from the Boston, Mass Alternative Rock scene back in the nineties era the quartet of mixed gender musicians founded by Tanya Donnelly and recruiting her collagues like Thomas and Chris Gorman to the bassist Gail Greenwood and creatively creating their own type of original music with the blending of Pop Jangle beats and more satyrical lyrics about women's persuasions for collecting answers in dealing with the monotonous men's ruling world in general but mostly lyrics telling us about the daily struggles for urban people living surrounded by the concrete jungle in many big city all over the places.
   Belly finally found their fame being fast and quickly raising up because the help of band's music and promotions from MTV gladly conquering the global mass of youngster audiences on the planet and soon after the releasing of Belly's debut album - Star; some singles especially Gepetto and Slow Dog turn out to be a successful hits on the campus radios and glass tube world - making Tanya Donnelly's quartet group becoming more popular away from their first impression of geeking around as they're trying to rock out their own self-written music and gambling for the Indie Rock realm made historical through the nineties decade with its rapid and then slower progress among teenagers and college rockers whose trying to find the different beating drums for a more honest music as well spotted on the most and early Alternative Music groups including Belly.
   You need to grab the album quick before too late and you can listening to the perfect sorrowful sounds of urban reactions, self-development spirits, Post-Punk beats to the emancipation of girls in Rock Music theme legally popped out from Every Word, Witch, Low Red Moon, Untogether or Stay.
   For the information to know that Tanya's voice actually sounded sweet and unique but the band's sounds that really proved that you didn't need to always made perfect songs to sell them out - you just need to be honest to yourself ...


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