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Sequence Place To Hide (Alfa Matrix 2015)

   These Norwegian trio bravely with creativity blending this aggressive touches of Industrial Electronic beats with Metal Core leaving you to be confused by the act of metallic music they’ve invented harder enough to force you going headbanger in solo act inside your room naked and didn’t care less about surroundings. Essence of Mind’s fourth recording The Break Up ! really holing the essential true meaning of what this group really dreaming of since their started the Indie acts as the fist formula for the next solid one. As you entering this new world hidden inside the next futuristic dimension by concept, you will rethinking that some movies that having the same themes like he Break Up! must have or trying to solve the equations for the permanent potential and patent answers related to time traveling and the visible vision of this looks promising and little by little begin to infecting our minds with gladness that everything is possible as human colony on remote planets within the puzzled tricks off the tracks such as Disturbing Situations, Contaminated, Hate and The Other Side.

Escape yourself from the burden’s shackles and embrace reality remix.


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