Experimental, Ambient or Tribal might failed to entering this Industrial Electronic musical project into such one distinctive genre but most of all – these group which hailing themselves from Newcastle, Tyne of East England having uncountable members by far including the former founder etc. like from Robin Storey, Peter Jensen, Paolo Di Paolo, Mark Spybey, Lisa Hale to Andy Eardley as well as many more. Anonymously filling the several titles of soundtracks but also recording their own albums through the years, this Shouting at The Ground’s marking the Zoviet France (the music group) as their 13th recording releases posting the mixes of Post-Industrial, Dark Ambient and more complicating instrumental various type of samples, experimental sounds which tragically can be leading to the band’s incompetence results as the cause for standing behind the line as Earth activists taking care and protecting Mother Nature within their anonymous representation performance. The unconventional truth like a hidden rock falling from outer space; leading the further deep experiences towards “humming droned” or meaningless signals about the dying planet within tracks of Dybbuk, Camino Real, Come to the Edge, Smocking Erde or Wind Thief.
Just like you being cured in procession by Shamanic rituals using numb noises compilation.
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