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Time To Missing (Atco Records 1991)


   The second album fortune and fame effects really can be comfortly lifted the Blue Island, Illinois Rock N' Roll unit founded by Chip Znuff and Donnie Vie then being baptized as Enuff Z'nuff since then; truly made this quartet well-known around US Rock scene at that time as even The Rolling Stones Magazine claims them to beoming the hottest band around because of "Strength" which reflecting the highest points of creativity for these Glam-Rock band that cited John Lennon or Raspberry as their greatest influence for being in the band and writing songs - as for the last, they're quite seems to be good at doing it. Strength released by Enuff Z'nuff as their second studio effort which contains of fourteen songs on it and mostly are crazy rocking hard and good to hear - giving more accessible way for plenty Rock music lovers to get their choices for better quality bands among others including this quartet of Chip Znuff on bass guitar, Donnie Vie (vocals), lead guitarist Derek Frigo and drummer Vik Foxx showing you the multiple combination of both Modern Rock, Heavy Metal, Glam Rock and Folk Pop in relevant balance presented by this group. Similar to some but having their own trademark sounds; Enuff Z'nuff will non-stopping to bombarded you with their expressive romantic lyrics, glamorous atmosphere and simple listening Rock N' Roll tones within the anthemic Pop-Metal tracks like In The Crowd, Hollywood Ya, Baby Loves You, Something for Free, Mother's Eyes and The World Is A Gutter which could really forcing you to sing along loud and proud and thanking because Pop-Rock really makes Heavy Metal sounded more interesting sexy !!!


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