Lejonet Fran Norden would easily sounded more like Pagan Metal on its introduction speech with the Swedish language and the atmospheric of intensive preparation for war but then the Punk Rock plus Hard Rock with Folk roots blaring high in standard tempo perfroming by the Swedish group Ultima Thule from Nykoping that singing entirely in Swede but comparing with other nationalist bands you should know well that this band sounded real professional and clean neaty producing their record. Meaning in English as The Lion from The North; Lejonet Fran Norden miraculously carrying some parts of the main ideas of Right Winged semi-politics views made them considerable as one of the White Power bands that eventually, promoting racism and the anti-immigrants proposal onto their lyrics. The quartet who formed this group - Bruno Hansen (guitars, vocals), Niklas Adolfsson (guitars), Thomas Krohn (bass guitar) and Ulf Hansen (drums) step in and vowing in shouts for the allegedly revolution on their anthemic hymn tracks such as
Svea Saga, Blonda Svenska Vikingar, Den Vilda Jakten with more tamed music and clean riffs ordering their audiences and loyal fans to obey the commanding message for changes of cultural purifications back where it belongs to the Europeans. You might going to hated them but don't try to hiding your Pogo-Dance and Moshpit bashing behind the ignorancy of a campaign for separates you, them or the rest of the world - whether you're colored, whitey or something else. Just listen and try to figure out what's right or wrong before you choose the ultimate one; a guradian or a silent lamb according to Ultima Thule, maybe ?
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