The chronicles wars for fighting the Umbrella Corporation evil experiments to rule the "infected and sickening" world of men continues here on this Paul W.S Anderson's directed sequel of Resident Evil: Afterlife which taken place around the secret base of experimental laboratory in Tokyo as well as the failure flight of Alice trying to find the exact location of her survivor friends in Alaska ended up by miraculously incident to her next flight that will bring her back to already been devastated Los Angeles where she found more survivors and her old friends in captivity. The millions horde of rotten flesh eaters already raiding every parts of the city with lesser safety place to choose including the city prison where most of the last men hoping in desperation to be saved. As Alice arrived with her amazing lucky landing on top of the building and the story continues by gathering the strength left on the survivors and of course, her old friends the bad-ass siblings - Chris and Claire Redfield; Resident Evil: Afterlife then giving us the almost impossible self-rescuing plan that works only to ended up with many casualties where thy must facing thousand of new mutated zombies and giant monsters before reaching the shore as they found out about the last rescue ship as safehaven not far from the shore. The chronicles continues as the background soundtrack by Tomandandy producing the magnificent eerie and heart-stompping intsrumental music mixes of Electronical and Dubstep for Resident Evil : Afterlife 3D (Music From The Motion Picture) Deluxed Digital Edition Soundtrack with more awesome and horrific effects to scary to be reality made this Zombie Horror experimental flick movie as the perfect sequel for the previous series of the movie merchandising based of the international success games. The apprearance of Jill Valentine for her antogonist comeback roleplay and the attacks of the Umbrella Corporation's helicopters armada in the end probably, showing that there would be too soon for the fanatic fans to see the last of that evil ruling company as the journey for Alice and her clones continues ...
PS. let yourself drowning into the terrorizing sounds of total destructions, horror timing and the will to survive via thus tracks - Damage, Cutting, Binoculars, Memory, Flying, Axeman and the rest will be left out for you to decide, are you going to fight or just waiting to be eaten alive ...
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