So if you a person who cannot handle to looking at bloody-gore scene where someone’s heart got cut out or the innards being pulling up without any proper intensive anasthetic or you really care about your love one for being always in safety – never in your pathetic mind that they’ll be fallen into the wrongful hands of cruel people ready to torturign them on a surgery or mutilated them piece by piece. If you do really love gore actions, the slaughterings, the malpractice operation and surgery failures; you come to the right place with a righty band from Curitiba, Brazil – Lymphatic Phlegm as one of the most brutal GoreGrind bands with their pathological or forensick themes carried the madness of images showing human’s bodypart being slashed, cut and chopped without mercy as the rotten other parts being displayed for good background or front cover on a recording artworks. Yes, some might esily going to vomit like you being poisoning yourself for eating too much stale mixed seafood ... The grinding sessions of ear-blowing, gut cutting and torturing in the most illegal ways possible are all compiled right here on this album of them - Pathogenesis Infest Phlegmsepsia. Choose your private special tracks for enjoying this show or while slaying those who getting really sick and vomit hard after listening to this record for couple minutes. Only the crazies knows what best for them and the choice is your to point towards the unspeakable horrific themes backgrounding songs like Blenorrhagical Spermatocystities of Seminiferous Tubules, Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa to Secondary Dysmenorrhea Resulting from the Uterine Endometritis; only some of a real mad doctors preying on their victims knows what’s good and better ...
Pathogenesis Infest Phlegmsepsia:
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