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Skindiving Thrum (Phonogram 1993)

   The releasing of Laid just one year before this English old Indie Rock band James emerges on Woodstock stage a year later must be had a connection with this album that showing to the fans and audience that eating banana is healthy as the rest of these six members of James doing it on the front cover of Laid album. Mark Hunter (keyboards), Larry Gott (guitars), Tim Booth (vocals), David Baynton-Power (drums) and Jim Glennie (bass) completing their record produced by Brian Eno. The music isn’t too cocky or fast but the rest of your favorite distortion might not appears here too much but for the loyal fans of an Indie Rock group with social values sharing messages like R.E.M or the merrier Jangle Pop acts might loving this much. Talking about the daily English market chattering and the irresistible melodies wrapping some of thus tracks like Low Low Low or Knuckle Too Far and Lullaby for every little kids (with warmer home or sleeping on the streets) and still, James is less-known second rated band until they’ve climbing the stairs of Woodstock and might changing their lucks next time.
You would like how vocalist Tim Booth ruling the spotlight with his falsetto voice.


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