Newest Heavy
Rock format band coming from Greater London, UK especially, delivering
themselves into the self-written lyrics and music based on the highly
influenced of Hard Rock, Southern sounds and Blues Rock lively favorites heroes
from the clever minds of the founders: guitarist Kurt Michael Boeck and
Anglo-Scottish femme vocalist Tola Lamont and soon being joined by Cyro Zuzi on
drums and Steve Parson on bass, choosing their brilliant kick-as name of the
band as Nitroville. The releasing of their latest record entitled Cheating The
Hangman must be either not meant to be conceptual but lots going on to
tributing the speedy sports forms from four wheels drive, biking, Nascar or any
moments of pedal to the metal burst tempos making this band getting fast to
reaching steps by steps to the nearest top of the hilly to (then) mountains.
The favorable clean and sexy toned vocals from Tola to the poisonous lead solos
from Kurt would making you head banging harder for more as the sounds of
Nitroville also known to make girls gone wild, listening to the rocking beats,
taking off their bra’s or pajamas and stripped butt-naked on a pole in the
middle of the club house via the breaking through tracks such as Let It Roll,
Louisiana Bone, Apophis 2029 and Motorocker. The band is really playing hard
and getting better and better while the world slipped deeper, hungry for a band
with a vocalist having golden on her throat just like the younger version of
Patty Smyth or Heart sisters on a solo recording.
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