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Camping Biscuits (Cassette Deck Media Conglomerate 2009)


    Dr Manhattan isn't a regular black guy whom really smart and competent but an Emo/Screamo/Alternative Pop group from a town that its name might never heard before by you - Wauconda, IL's band consisting of quartet of four musicians: Andrew Morrison (keyboards, percussion, vocals) to Nick Vombrack (drums) as well as Matt and Adam Engers on guitars, bass and vocals; releasing several great albums but the most tremendous one would be the co-produced one by Saves The Day's member Chris Conley entitled - Jam Dreams which presenting the group's remarkable hooked up combinations from Screamo, Post-Hardcore, Pop-Electro and Indie Pop all in one and shall amazed the teenagers as well as young parents for the themes probably, not too tentatively serious causing delirium to the heads of modern folks to listening for songs like Texas, Mailman, Misses Stewart and Man with a woman's chest which sounded standard but also unique for having thus tinged for little more grooves pumping up the situations from boredom to nutty dread not corny ...

Crash course for the next Cross-Over mixed on this new millennium !

Jam Dreams:

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