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Dungeon Manifesto (Supernal Music / Werewolf 2005)

An Ethereal epic covering spaces of the wider universe and countless stars as the scene making you realized that you’re nothing than a tiny particle of dust stranded in the middle of billions galaxies Hunger Of Elements in form of superiority being whom once created this all according to Kataxu; the Polish Symphonic Black Metal spreading their concentrated darker messages or stories supports and influenced by Paganism and Outer space as they’re having the inverted cross-like shape with clouds of galaxy on the background giving the blackened touches through the eccentric arts of sound from the keyboards performance Melfas and the other main character member Piaty (Piotr Piatek) on guitars, vocals also keyboards. 

The lower doomy tempos conquered by the melodic hellish and ghastly music as the monotonous rhythmic drum-beats serving well for controlling the reaction of non-altered states of the negative side-effects of enlightenments from Hunger of Elements album releasing by Kataxu. In The Arms of The Astral World or Nightsky or The Breath of Atlantis really putting our position and the modern world on the brink of non-important parts but destructions from within, giving us closer time towards extinction on being wiped out from the face of the universe. 


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