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Earth Below Pride (Not On Label 2014)


Consisting of keyboardist Ruben Marrenga, Laura Van Nes (vocals), Rik Beerthuizen (bass), Bertran Zwijnenburg on guitars and vocals to Arjen Bosma (guitars) with drummer Joost Lobbes hailing themselves from Utrecht, Netherlands not just for following the other famous name off the country awesome Symphonic Goth-Metal scene like Within Temptation but being more than that not as followers - Kowai is a simple name baptizing to this band giving their best efforts for relenting the stories of themed lyrics about agony, dreams and sorrow and wrapping them all in a very majestic performance which sounded like the reality balance within sadness and strength colliding into the most melodic rock results on the debut full album of Dissonance. One shall easily fell in love with this type of band and actually, for Kowai - they're pretty much providing easier solutions for the audiences and listeners to feeding on them harmony shape of formal Goth Metal with a little less extremity or put on more calmer ingredients inside their music. Beauty of the misty November nights might be brighter or mystic when one decide to using this record as the background for their candle-light dinner based on romance, soft lust and comforting pain in no particular order. In Retrospect, Fallen Behind, Man's Downfall and Ice Cold Sun shall becoming the roots where European Goth-Metal rises in its own traditional Folkish ways just like the blue butterfly shown up to bring the news about how November turns everything yellow and dry after the harvest restored as the wise people with knowledge knows to read the signs of nature ...


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