The commencing effects of aggressive music and the brutality beauty of how Black Metal mixed with Symphonic Goth-Rock turns out to be shall can witnessing by one whom lucky enough to grab this recording released by these Antibes, Cote d'Azur less-profiling bastard group calling themselves as Gorgon under the influences of the heritage from Medusa the ancient queen of the cursed underworld kingdom might feasting your ears onto the raw and subversive sounds and images via their album Reign of Obscenity featuring the scariest high-pitched screamo-vocals and totally destructive atmosphere following the music of this blasphemous band's ideas of anti-religions as they're put as statements through their music and appearance. Gorgon will giving you the good kicking on the guts as they're shall leaving you in black and blue after listening to this record. There's absolutely nothing sacred anymore in everything that you'd believe before in this life cause the good things shortly turning to faking wicked as time goes by and the idealistic of being socio-humane concepts are rotten old as maggots already feasting upon them; this tracks of brutality shall releasing you from the eternal bonds of religious thoughts once and for all - the truth of destruction must be re-announce now and the dark lights songs will shown you the path to flee out of your pathetic civilized nest forever. Listen to Spiritual Incest, The Lady Still Rides, Dance of The Coffins or Exhumed Under a Shooting Star as one might see clearly that Black Metal is really a savior that compels the truth behind the aggressive introductions and then the harmonic death captures your full attention to the rest !
Reign of Obscenity:
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