The excitements while listening to these Toronto, Ontario's Alternative Metal band that also concludes the colorful and variety music sounds into their combining Cross-over Rock sense like Funk Rock, Progressive and Hardrock straight conquering your listening room while pressing that play button on the chance for having the opportunity rocking in and out through I Mother Earth's debut album - Dig which already gaining platinum and putting one of their single Rain Will Fall on the top national Canadian Chart. The semi-apocalyptic and uncertain future of environments becoming a great main issues and aim for the characterized brothers whom becoming the backbone for I Mother Earth; Christian and Jagori Tanna handling drums and guitars also backing vocals with their lead vocalist Edwin and bassist Bruce Gordon performing So Gently We Go, Not Quite Sonic, Levitate or Lost My America .
The releasing of Dig actually, exploded an extra energy for the developing on the growing faster on Grunge scale level, internationally. You shall finding the very much interests while having this record and listening it with gladness cause upon the pessimistic values projected for the artwork cover, we might still have the positive touch of ideas making the world a better place to life by being respectful to our beloved Mother Nature ...
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