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Silk Road Psalm (Rise Above Records 2014)


   Doomy deadly double blondy beauty duet from Berlin, Germany of Joanna Sadonis (vocals) and Linnea Olsson (guitars) forming their essential band The Oath sooner but shortly lives became the headlines on mostly every Heavy Metal magazines around the world for having the femme-touches upon thus Doom Rock/ Psychedelic Metal within dark lyrics and themes about death, mystic things and supernatural dreams beyond imaginations of men could possibly think of through their self-titled album The Oath which achieved plenty thumbs up and more positive applause from the rest of Doom Metal genre world as clearly for the special big fans of the mighty mysterious Coven.
   Sounded sensual, magical and on the same time - clearly not corporate as it independently shook for some people showing that sexy blondies can rocking tough too through the heavy riffs ala Sabbath and cautioned effects from their evilish lyrics affecting the metal-heads to be possessed. many self-written songs presented here on the album such as Night Child, Black Rainbow, All Must Die or Living Together; acclaiming the fully forms of modern women not dependable to any man for affording success in Rock Music even though The Oath had a male bass player Simon Bouteloup in their shorter times stumbling towards the dominant male's Heavy World of Metal Music. Proven that women already matches the highest crowned stars among thus skillful melodies  or licks of loud blast and thorns within the borderline of an underground and mainstream concrete dreams and facts ...

The Oath:

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