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Dow Jones Index (Z Records 2002)


One of the underrated Hard Rock / Heavy Rock bands from around Jonkoping, Sweden as Shiva (the group) led by these two rockers beauty female vocalist Annette Johansson and Mats Edstrom on guitars and backing vocals; with their promising additional back-up band-members like Matthias Hoijer (bass), Mikael Malborg (drums), Niclas Olsson (keyboards) and Mats Ottosson the guitarist, presenting their high-energy essential Classic form of Power Rock straight from the heart of our Heavy Metal country imported and preserved with good quality format - the recording debut of Shiva's self-titled. The sensual rocking in standard vocals and the catchy Pop-Metal or Harder Rock gifts popped in a huge sparkling blasts onto air really could making anyone whom loving Rock N' Roll so much would also easily in loved with these Modern Metal performers from Svenska/Scandinavia Rock Center that attracted the audiences in short time while on the other hand; heating up the amplifiers and P.A everytime you got them played loud on the stereo in a very good rocking manner kinds of way ! We got the best of Marilyn, Stay Out, Another Man's Wife and Would You Lie to Me and more; Shiva sounded like Roxette in a sharp metallic hardened skin.



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