Expressing some of the early Metallica's And Justice For All era to the Modern Metal or Alternative Rock themed sounds right crossing from Mexico is these powerful of all-female group with skills to rocking you out aloud through their EP recording releaseof Voodoo. Meet the beauties Flor Dollz (guitar), Effe Ele Dollz (drums), Dulce Hale (guitar), Karina Clowes (vocals) and R Dailor Dollz (bass guitar); as they're composing, rehearsing and making the concepts themselves since the first day of the project begins and you might finding them interesting much for trying to combines the essential Heavy Metal, Goth symphonic and Thrash with Punkish edge and leads the interior extension of Baby Dollz (the band) music into something different to taste because it's not definitely either Metalcore, Pop-Punk or Gothic Rock in general but more to the prolonging steps would be a notorious unique ones coming out from Hermosillo, Sonora using their metallic charms on Uncontrolled, Through Our Darkness or The Ruins that could making Lars Ulrich or Kirk Hammett proud and arousing just like most of the audiences should after discovering them - both the hard music and the group personnel good-looks !
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