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Napalm Onyx Star (World In Sound 2014)


   Imagine yourself going to the fun fair this weekend and this one seems not to be kind of an ordinary market-fair that you used to visits because when you decided to entering the Prisma Circus's Reminiscence place that includes those old jamming music from the 70's Heavy Psyche Rock roots and more odds attractions like planetarium and colorful tents which all reflecting the hypnotics effect to bring you back in time to the past like hallucination turning real as the members of the group performing their seems to be sounded like an endless jamming bandwagon through Reminiscence that recorded and composing by Alex Carmona Blanco, Oscar Garcia Albizu and Joaquin Escudero Arce as the trio for Prisma Circus. One shall become as one uniting with the others audience while walking through the essential origin tracks caught within a hallucinogen tricks that would drugging you onto a state of pleasure and being satisfied going around the fair space as well the music turning on loud clashing the drumming with organ mastery to the six strings licks and solos and great vocals via songs of John Doe's Paranoia, Born in a Red House, Asylum's Gate and Cain.
   Don't go home too early yet cause you might missing the peak pleasure points that comes after the tracks to another until the records ended and the fair closed; stay for a little longer and enjoy the show from these Barcelona, Spain Psychedelic Rock heads !


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