The parted trio whom got themselves influenced by Black Sabbath and deeper Southern Metal alliance hailing themselves from Didcot, Oxfordshire - England and calling this band Mother Corona; had Rob Glen on bass guitar as a guardian of rhythm, Dave Oglesby the leading frontman and skin-basher to Lee Cressey their terrifying lead guitarist and mastered of six strings shreds whom delivering the most thicker filled of heaviness of Doom/Southern/Sludgy music made well by themselves and not trying to sell-out their idealistic too far to the mainstream market actions. Heavenly and Hellish colliding sounds of Psyche-Doom Rock within the essential Sabbath-esque heritage would easily loud to be heard by the audiences through Mother Corona's debut recording songs like Sunscope, Hedonist Kings, Sonic Tomb or Cosmic Collisions or the twelve minutes more on a jam session tunes in Out of The Dust (the album title-track); preserving this UK's finest underground and lesser-known group a very quite brighter future later on if they can manage to survive and keep making this heavy Sludgy type of music without noticing if the world would even care about them and letting their own rolling thunder noises ramble on and opening the misty gates of Doom Metal sacred and hidden alleyway to the finish line. The Mother Corona trio would be your new admiring of how an independent movements dare to carry on through the rocky cobble stoned roads onto the mountain of bashing lights - the finest Stoner/Psychedelic Metal genre influenced by either Sabbath or Hawkwind to releasing their poisonous sounds - unleashed and untamed onto the sickening Pop-Cultural world like the next Black Plague; Out of the Dust ...
Mother Corona:
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