Vancouver, British Columbia's intensive care unit of Deathcore therapy lethal injections sounded like an explosion of an active volcano from beneath the Earth's crest is definitely, a form of torniquet torturing terminates system served over one bowl of the hot molten lava feeling mix between anger and denial of modern society and its social issues brought to the theme of tracks by these six piece of metal-heads group of young: vocalist Casey Tyson-Pearce, Cole Rideout (bass player), Matt Perrin (guitars), drummer Jesse Price, Colton Bennett (guitars) and Mike Greenwood (vocals) giving out the story about the possessed girl spirit of the woods by terror and blistering crushes sounds via this album from Angelmaker - Dissentient as a self-produced recording release. These ten songs really representing the inner-contradictions between the good and the bad driven by the ugly terrifying jealousy, greed and self-destruction made by men on themselves; Abysmal, Citadel, A Dark Omen or Godless might showing to us all about how far the achievements off being transcends and sociable human beings we've becoming under faith and hope and prayers.
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