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Where Statues Cry (Dark Balance 2009)


   Gothic Metal seems never failed if the scene being well-preserved in many parts of the world including Budapest, Hungary for spawning these quartet bassist David, drummer Balazs, Csabee (guitars, keyboards, orchestral arrangements) and Gabriella (vocals) builds their own version of Epical Symphonies clinging Gothic Metal group Velvet Seal’s releasing their debut album of Lend Me Your Wings as it carries the distinctive traditional sides of many Hungarians cultural music and sounds as well as the combinations with the modern mastery perspective through The Divine Comedy ?, Fee all to Desperati, Torn Within and The Tragic Overture.

   The sealing beauty vocals and operatic music performances truly giving this record a positive two thumbs up signaling the music media around the Heavy metal world to put their attentions to this band and of course, that blonde female vocalist  breaking the veils !

Lend Me Your Wings: 

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