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Words Virginia (Suburban Home Records 2009)


   “Cutting grass for gasoline, left me drunk in the field – rolled out the day that apples fell and I packed up the dust …” must be some kind of expressions from the South African Folk-Pop Indie musician Gregory Alan Isakov about writing down his own self-confession stories and made them into a composing Indie-Folk with beautiful Pop tablatures blossoming around them as the record entitled This Empty Northern Hemisphere might sounded concluding a confusion of caring or sharing communications which always happening between us along the way of our shorter lives among friends or families and even strangers.
A Johannesburg’s born musician but raised and grown up after his family migrated to Philadephia. PA must have a brilliant quite ideas that has been buried since then and soon after he discovers the musical companion way under the project of recording tones and writing lyrics better really puts himself up and creative in a living breath for expressing the silent appearance or spent the time to contemplates among the stars under the very dark and quite skies as the world suddenly stop inhaling and exhaling fast. 
   Within the likes of the late Leonard Cohen or Bruce Springsteen and working at his gardening hobby on a free-time; Gregory Alan Isakov might be you new favorable singer or musician whose not afraid to sounded mellow, vulnerable and still had plenty of caring music to spread to many others in tears, in needs or in joy. Sing softly through That Moon Song, Idaho, Evelyn and Dandelion Wine with him – don’t turning the volume too loud cause you might ruin the surprise meanings.

This Empty Northern Hemisphere: 

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