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Aeolian Equalizer (Nuclear War Now! Productions 2014)


   Avant-Garde techniques of this Black Metal trashing reforms via Adelaide, Australia shall giving you a glimpse of how healthy the genre society back there in Down Under has been lately. A Merging to The Boundless release is one of thus proof of how improving the howls of Satanic efforts images or influences had been deeply rooted onto the Extreme Metal community over there.

   Stargazer must be one of the band to carefully, needing to watch by any fanatic audiences who loved Extreme Metal alive and well raiding the safer modern places where kids and youngsters lost their ways and faith easily, discredits by the idiotic views of those Christian-exclusive points of lies that should be replaced with these geniuses performance from the band especially, the bassist and you shall finally, seeing the lights of truth behind the false through Old Tea, Black Gammon, Ride The Everglade of Reogniroro as well as the progressive extremity embracing the darkest facts on your stereo. 

A Merging to The Boundless:

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