Living wealthy as
the buzzing new sub-genre of Heavy Metal called Hip-Metal becoming a massive
infections among most of the mainstream musicians and Rock groups around the US
soil and one of the lesser-famous one would be Deadsy; the intrigue unit of
collateral damaging mixing of Industrial, Goth-Rock, Synth-Pop and Electro-Rock
into the band’s mansion compounding thumped beats shortly turn non-radicalized
but shall making you feel cooler especially, when you’re still a teenager and
up for the releasing of their second studio album Commencement highlighting
some of the best efforts of self-written songs and slower beats equally as
semi-permanent legend records among thus other bands from the same sub-genre
and you will know that songs like Brand New Love, Winners to Lake Waramaug or
The Elements and Future Years contains such a great characterized positive
message rather than selling the negative energy through the lyrics but
encouraging people and their listeners to not becoming too damn proud because
their wealthy backgrounds but working harder to achieved anything you ever
dream of and seems like Deadsy really could grabbing theirs within this album.
Similar to other acts like Orgy; the gang of Deadsy: Creature, P.Exeter Blue I,
Dr. Nner, Alec Pure or Charlton Megalodon might not gaining too much dollars
from this releasing record but you can see that even when they only gains minor
attentions, supports still coming from the more popular acts superstars of
Hip-Metal like vocalist Jonathan Davis of Korn or Limp Bizkit’s Fred Durst but
cannot saving the album from being one of the fails. Great choices of sound
effects and electronic devices feedback as being produced by Josh Abraham, Jay
Baumgardner and Elijah Blue.
Perhaps, maybe only for the fanatic fans of
explorations experimented machinery that collecting the ectoplasm spirits of
either Gary Numan or Peter Steele in a new technology lab’s jar.
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