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El Naturale (Grand Royal 2001)


   The neo unit of Hip Modern Metal formerly known as Gangsta Bitch Barbie but then decided to changing their interior and exterior outlooks to be more sounded harder-edgy and ballast like a timer bomb; you got this new-skinned  form creature of Nu-Metal style named Nullset.
As they’re representing Boston, MA as the place sacred enough from where they belong from and as the groovy casts of power-pumping beats coming like giant firecracker in your face buddy – means that you already turning the band’s recording on and for a good choice – we got here the second efforts from the five-piece Mick Palmesano (drums), Jim Shippey (bass), Jim “J Fo” Foster (guitars), Chris Fitzgerald (guitars) and Ken Smith (vocals) trying to fixing the mix combinations over the previous first debut and comes back like a shotgun with the self-titled album louder accompanying by the blender machine of both Rap-Rock, Heavy Rock and Industrial Metal in their very balancing dosage. 
   Very fucking pleased to have you liking thus songs of freedom and interracial where the spirits of Black Soul Music gladly can easily providing the holy ground for Rock Music to keep on blasting harder and louder through Smokewood, Speechless, System and Kingpin as the Better Days really looks damn good for this kind of music to involving the positive intentions and influencing  mostly young people for getting unite and work things out together as they’re dancing or head-banging for the uncertain things coming next the year ahead or gone like dust in the wind; unluckily – Nu Metal had to dealing with.


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