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Fannin Street (ATCO Records 2008)

   Young, blonde, sexy and never gives satisfactory smile on purpose as one just for looking at those great points owned by this gorgeous hot American actress and singer: Scarlett Johansson whom married to Ryan Reynolds and got divorce but honestly there’s more to be shocking you than just for seeing her in that tight dark heroine uniforms playing Black Widow or other related to beauty kind of movies or so. 
Scarlett also loves to sing and it’s not just ordinary or karaoke singing contest but the truth reveals as her album finally, releasing and hit the store as you also might got it in your hand to listen and try on – Anywhere I Lay My Head that remarkably, showing more closer artistic works of images and music for being pro-environmental proof even though most of the themes nearly touches only broken-feelings, romance or daily intuitions of a girl, a lady, a crone all in one body resurrects in Ms. Johansson with her deep dark aura vocals giving the theatrical or mystic broad-way tension existing here on her album. 
   One might think that most of the songs are plainly regular but you can’t denying how relentless a Scarlet Johansson did her best for producing this Alternative Slow-Pop or Chamber Music to appears from nowhere. 
Town with No Cheer or Falling Down are both sharing the facts that Hollywood didn’t practically, providing a healthy life for a person but public figure; where everyone putting their masks to covering the ugliness or the scars and secrets they don’t want others to see. 
   I Wish I Was in New Orleans to I Don’t Wanna Grow Up must be the consequence that every single stars presents there in the city of fame as a curse they’re had to carried all their lives as for the bribe for being success and famous or end up dead. 
Scarlett Johansson wants you to know and listen that she’s just a girl living in a glamour world with little less amount of real love to taste. 

She’s sounded beautier than ever on this recording ! 

Anywhere I Lay My Head:

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