Gregory Vandamme (vocals, guitars), Thomas Venegoni (guitar, keyboards, vocals), David Davister (drums) and Julien Bacquet (bass, vocals) of Thibet from the City of Brussels - Belgium consisting in their group of Indie-Soul-Pop performance the deceitful or monastic serving sounds that generally, changed the faces of their country essential sounds and scene slowly, sure sooner after the good releasing of the band's finest works on Vision & Certitude within their mesmerizing reveals of the mix of medieval Avant-Garde grunt for soft tunes, acoustic/electro basic and compilations of more strings arrangements and synths noise on the post-distorted Softcore-Pop decision and compositions for Tear The Veil or The Burden as they're sounding sophomore and tranquil without having the injection effects of forcing the noise to be polished too much or the track of Carry My Fears which told us about the feeling for not being well and easily being panic targets as nobody there to lending hands or it's just a piece of our paranoid sense that stopping us for taking the leap of faith on everything in life; tried to explains by Thibet - the band.
One might found out that these guys actually, not trying to copy Radiohead in the end even the special effects and the themed trauma stories seemed to relates closely to the lost period between OK Computer and Kid A - somewhere on the borken-recording paradise dimension.
Vision & Certitude:
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