Greensboro, North Carolina Melodic Death Metal group Undrask maybe didn't have more portions to be recognized by the wider Extreme Metal World headbangers gang but if you must, be the one whom would bravely enough for trying their music within thus explosive brutal sounds combinations between Heavy Metal extremity and Southern grooves power riffs as well as the technique of the advancing players from the members: Darryl Dewitt, Erik Collier, Steve Wynn, Daniel McCoy and Aaron Schimmel abruptly dealing with their hatred and anger managements not by killing people yet but with their ability to wrote down some of the finest Melodic Metal and Death blaster sounds from their county-side ever as you can loudly listen through Conscripted, Champion of The Dawn or Black Ocean.
Battle through Time should be more famous or at least, one would hearing those interesting efforts crashing the ground making landslide among the surroundings as the vocals terrifying the most audiences to scared for these newcomer from the Southland - should be there an opportunity for a little less attentions from the music media on them. Undrask might not really care about cause they know that the power of their Progression Dark Melodic Metal would later evolving to be more brilliant than just stopping after this one.
A slashing ripped off !
Battle Through Time:
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