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Meathawkers (Self-Released 2015)


   The power-raging combinations of hatful violence and cross-over inflicted terror and surprises clashing rebellion themed with deathly tempo as you might being possessed by headache or just speechless listening to this solo project from a man whose used to be blasted in madness ego maniac through extreme Metal music for Moistened Disciples or Handsome Prick – Brad Vanderzee emerging here within his newest efforts of excessive fusion of Harcore-Punk, Grindcore and Heavy Rock in grooves and Alternative on more passage in various selling-point of these non-commercial chaotic noise recording.

   Under the name of Pink Machines; Brad definitely giving out his totality over the exploding brutality and arts returning on Silicone Alley, the infamous trick of protests story about the modern day folklore which honestly didn’t get that fucking important at all but still – this insanity album that reminding you about how CKY used to performs and the mixed continues within more Grinding to more Metal edgy riffs to more melodic and flip-side tricks as an addition bonus with the track-titles like I Don’t Trust You any Further than I Can Rock You or Blackassindenim as well as Indiana Girl to IxWxFxUx.

   Fucking crazy to the finish and you needed to licking them all like porn-whores did to big Metal balls !

Silicone Alley:

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