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Phorest Landing (Not On Label 2008)


   Boldly emotional and embodied ecstatic dance of ages made within this joint of Stephen Kaminanda on his daring mixes of samples through this bouncy, adventurous, sexy, crystalline and fearless bounds of noise-sounds on this musician/composer/Chillout and Ambient artists from Victoria, B.C Canada but moved to California; known as Kaminanda with the debut recording release of Syntropic Luminosity which based its influences from a deeper root of Kaballah rites, Hinduism to Tantra-ism showing interest of spirituality via the symbolizing tree of life and the five basic or added some eight more elements that propped them firmly.    Kaminanda’s productive efforts for the essential clarification on the real features music produced by the man himself – mixing the general ideas within a synthesizing mind-blowing format of slow forms of Dub, Electronic, Tribal and Organic Downtempo reverbs sounds as they’re enriched by many type of various blends of signature traditional musical instruments and modern touches towards the mystery covering the tracks recording here on either Gentle Warrior, Ceu Nadando and Crystal Totem.
   Leaving anyone turned up as audiences to this artist being amazed as their grown loving spirits over superb-Ambient or Chill-Out music grow stronger; the miracles of magic spawning the tree of life taller and the essential messages spreads wider onto the world. 

Syntropic Luminosity:

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