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Row Nine Freeny (SST Records 1993)


   The different side of the non-existence Henry Rollins before the dedication of him for himself leads to the main man's band project; his close friend and co-founder for Black Flag - Greg Ginn already uniting the force of Hardcore-Punk and Funk or Bluesy Sonic Garage into this creepy pasta for Gone (the band) that releasing these trio recording with Andrew Weiss (bass) and Sim Cain (drums) on this one. We got the mixing hour of all the instrumental Rock music as an alternative choice made away from the conventional soaking Rock with vocals or Pop managements. This proof about Punch Drunk, Snagglepuss, Off The Chains, Smoking Gun in Wasco, Ankle Strap to Unknown Caliber must be powered by the non-instructional themed on daily basic for The Criminal Mind recording.
   A collage of artistic Punk-Rock representations mixing within more one or two other different sounds from the important point that Punk-Hardcore is kind of impression music which didn't have difficulties to be collaborated to another types of music.

The Criminal Mind:

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