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Shining Palace (MetalAgent Records 2007)


   Charging the depth explorations on the erotica subjects theme which have made Ilya Polagushin the Ulyanovsk - Russia's Heavy Metal composer and musician whom loved to be influenced by whether Doom/Gothic/Black Metal or Darkwave's theater role-play to its orchestration musical which bounding the decimate for his form of music performance and recording album so unique, sensual and of course, erotic to listening to. As for the Goth-Metal or sub-culture fans and followers; album from Ilya like Feetish as his latest one releasing must be a degenerates artwork forms that shall be banned for the modern world to see the front cover showing beautiful woman's breasts with lesser clothes to wear and the uprising morbidity carried by the music sound performed by the one man project himself for all instruments and vocals could be an ultimate fearless proof that most mankind is a hypocrite who stopping themselves from enjoying the finest creature to adore - women as they're naked and arousing. This album Feetish with all it's tracklisted songs trying to lead the false shallow minds of bigotry to accepting Satanism or nude pictures of woman as a common display for public as well as how terrorizing artistic sounds of Black Metal or Gothic-Doom releasing the beast inside us waiting to feast on the smooth skinned woman not as a victim but couple in sinful moments forbid by fake faiths of the religious bigots. Brunette in Black Stockings, Sweaty Thighs of Dominant Sluts and Return to The Sinful Earth are some of the providing truth back to the first day Adam fucking Eve as Satan did the same way to her while Adam's having affair with Lilith under the dark shades of light not too far from grace.

Adultry isn't a real crime issue here ...


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