Formed in The Netherlands, revealed in Boston by the Hard-headed rockers and you will bow down to this package of Hardcore sightings for keep doing what they're wanted to do at it's best. No Turning Back had no remorse or regrets for playing the Old-School style of HC for non-public released but anyone from the thrid world country to the collage students and bikers might loving this heat-bringer coallitions of louder noisy blasting music that crunching the gates and kicking every doors within their protests lyrics and anthem songs like this is still the ninety ninety nine. Consisting of Emiel Laurent, Harm Haverman and Martjin van der Heuvel with Joel or Kevin; from Northern Brabant while in a quite sometimes - they've decided to moving closer to New York.
Among thus clustering- bombs explosion songs on this album release of Holding On, No Turning Back gives no further questions to asked but shooting first using their dangerous blasts and sharp riffs to cut the throat or scalping you alive within Sick and Tired, Wicked Ways, Two Steps Ahead, Forever in Denial, Picture Perfect Smiles or Open Your Mind - screaming at you to join their struggling fights against The False Order of The Rich World that owns you already before you even realized it !
Holding On:
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