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The Rotten Dead (Open Grave Records 2007)


   The Satanic kinds of genre of Rap-Core/Sludgy Metal connector from Allentown, Pennsylvania that releasing the blasting opener on their Hopeless recording by having Don't Ask, Roses or Feed sounding the alarms for eruptions that shall make you thinking that during the midst of two-thousand era where Modern Nu Metal shortly, ruling the global charts from Rock to Pop and culture in sudden changed to the more sporty and cooler mixing of Rap-Rock and metallic trauma but leaving damages disease in the general Heavy Metal's liver - that's when the more heavier Metal version of back to underground roots comes and starting to evolving the scenery once again as bands like Demon Dog Sperm resurfacing to infects the teenage-infants of the next future world to coming back again embracing the darker path and the sins of mankind creative ideas for making the greatest Rock Music genre of all - Heavy Metal.
   Due to this releasing record of freaking groovy Hopeless; either Steve Delong (bass), Dennis Christman (drums), Bruce Klipple (guitars) or the dead vocalist Sid making the inner-circle chaos on Mosh-Pit music through this !

Demon Dog Sperm Links:

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