What you hear is what you will get; there's something evolved over this band from New Orleans - Cane Hill in which nothing really compares the most anymore when these Metal-heads decided to combining their sounds under the systematic influences of either parts of Nu Metal, Metalcore or Southern Heavy Metal of the Modern day version of Rock on rise again. This sentinel points of interest that captures the attentions of most of the Heavy Music Media consisting of Elijah Witt, James Barnett, Ryan Henriquez and Devin Clark truthfully, given us another looks of the unbound hell on Earth shooting the miracles dead and it fell to the dirt as well as the releasing of Smile hitting the store realizing that music violence like either Coal Chamber or early Korn still caught your attentions too. Eat up the greed and lust and be fucking marry or end up dead - you sick fuck bastards and rejoiced the ceremony of infiltrated filthy thoughts and actions of the commercial imperialism on our millennium horizon tales via (The New) Jesus, True Love, MGGDA, St. Veronica and Fountain of Youth.
Letting your worst dreams becoming a reality that you regret to wishing before and too late to taken back ...
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